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How I Healed My Leaky Gut

I went from severe leaky gut with many food intolerances to a healed gut lining. I still can’t believe it. There’s been a lot of questions about what I did to heal so I’m going to give you a quick recap on my treatment and then provide you with the most amazing & informative podcast I’ve ever listened to on leaky gut.

Are We Guilty or Innocent?

Do you want to hear the funniest, most ridiculous story I've ever heard? There's a pretty good chance you'll actually chuckle out's that good. A few weeks ago, one of our loyal egg customers was kind enough to make her colleague some of our eggs. Let's call this colleague well educated...very well educated. After looking at the eggs on his plate he was rather concerned and wanted to know what we injected our eggs with to get them to be that color.

Dr. Jodi Explains Leaky Gut

After I shared about my struggles with Leaky Gut I had lots of emails from people wanting to know more. A huge thank you to Dr. Jodi Kunkel, my Naturopath, who is finally helping me heal (not just cover up symptoms) and helping share all of this information with you! Take it away Dr. Jodi!!

My Recent Health Struggles

A few weeks ago I received some hard news to swallow. It was a phone call from my Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Jodi Kunkel. While I don’t think of acne itself as a rather life threatening diagnosis I knew it meant something was still out of balance in my body. I was about to find out just how out of balance my body really was.

Our Top 6 Bloopers Revealed

If you haven’t noticed, I typically don’t post about our failures on Facebook or Instagram. Mostly because I’m not one that likes to admit I’m wrong, let alone announce it to the whole world. That’s why it took me a long time to muster up the courage to post them. My deepest apologies if I’ve fooled you into believing we’re living in a fantasy’s far from a fantasy some days! I’m not sharing our failures because I’m looking for sympathy. I’m sharing them to give you a glimpse into what really goes on behind the scenes around here.

Beef Roast So Delicious It'll Make Your Hubby Groan

I don't know about you, but it's tradition for us to have turkey on Thanksgiving. Truth be told...I don’t even like turkey and there are many things I'd much rather eat than turkey. (Sorry mom) One of these things is the amazing beef roast I made last week. It was so good Tom actually groaned the first bite. True story. So I got to thinking…if it’s good enough for a groan, it certainly is good enough for Thanksgiving, right?! (Can you honestly say you’ve ever heard anyone let out a groan after taking their first bite of turkey??….just sayin’) This Thanksgiving here’s how you can simplify and $ave with making a beef roast instead of turkey.

7 Things You Must Know Before Cooking Grass-fed Beef

Comparing feedlot beef to a grass-fed beef is like comparing apples to oranges. Just like you don’t eat an apple the same way you eat an orange... you don’t cook grass-fed beef the same as feedlot beef. Here’s 7 tips you must know before cooking grass-fed beef.

Why Is My Raw Milk Yellow?!

Have you noticed that your fresh raw milk is...uhh...yellow?? You’re probably thinking WTH? (family friendly here on the farm) You may have had thoughts like… “Is this safe to drink?” “Something must be seriously wrong with this milk because milk should be white...” “What have I gotten myself into?” “Could someone please explain to me what’s going on here?!” There are some SERIOUS health benefits happenin' with raw grass-fed milk - it literally is liquid gold. Let's take a closer look....

My Health Struggles

It’s hard for me to share this with you because part of me feels like a failure. The perfectionist in me tells me I should have perfect health, but the reality is, I don’t. I have a feeling I'm not the only frazzled mom struggling with this.

A Big Fat Lie. 7 Reasons Your Body Needs Healthy Fat.

One of the biggest wake-up calls I’ve had was when I discovered that our bodies need fat. How could this be?! How could anyone claim that fat is good for you? To claim such nonsense is a crime! We all know that eating fat will clog your arteries and kill you. And we certainly all know that if you eat fat you’ll get fat.

The Shocking Difference: Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk

Have you ever googled ‘raw milk’ and felt overwhelmed, scared, or confused? You’ll be lead to believe it’s the most dangerous thing you can do for your family - and this is exactly how Big Ag wants you to feel. The multi-billion dollar dairy industry has a lot invested in keeping milk pasteurized, but there’s growing number of people like me and you who are taking their health into their own hands and are starting to seek out fresh, raw milk. We’ve learned to trust our gut instinct and do what feels right for our families - no matter what scrutiny we may face.