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Beef Roast So Delicious It'll Make Your Hubby Groan

written by

Sarah Fischer

posted on

November 18, 2018

I don't know about you, but it's tradition for us to have turkey on Thanksgiving.

Truth be told...I don’t even like turkey and there are many things I'd much rather eat than turkey. (Sorry mom)

One of these things is the amazing beef roast I made last week.  It was so good Tom actually groaned the first bite. True story.

So I got to thinking…if it’s good enough for a groan, it certainly is good enough for Thanksgiving, right?!  (Can you honestly say you’ve ever heard anyone let out a groan after taking their first bite of turkey??….just sayin’)

This Thanksgiving here’s how you can simplify and $ave with making a beef roast instead of turkey.


-No one will have the dreaded job of turkey carving because this roast will fall apart with your fork.  
-No need to even thaw your meat - throw it in completely frozen!  
-You won’t have 18# of leftover turkey to deal with so you won’t be wasting time searching google for “recipes to use with leftover turkey”.


-No need to buy an expensive turkey when you’ve already got a freezer full of meat.  The remaining ingredients will cost you under a couple dollars.

Sound like something you can handle?  Here’s my secret beef roast recipe:

Incredibly Easy & Delicious Beef Roast

1 - 3-4# Nature’s Pantry beef chuck or arm roast, frozen
1 medium onion, sliced in rings
½ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp pepper

Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Place beef roast in a dutch oven or roaster (just make sure it’s a pan that has a lid). Fill the pan with about 2 inches of water. Top with sliced onions and salt and pepper. Cook for 5-6 hours.  Once the roast is cooked remove from the oven and shred with 2 forks. Top with homemade gravy. (recipe below)

**Use your nose as your guide. Once your house smells amazing you know your roast is almost done.  Depending on the size of your roast your cooking time will vary. **

And now for the best part…homemade gravy. Drizzle this goodness on top of your meat and mashed potatoes.

Homemade gravy

Water from cooking your roast in (about 3 cups)
¼ cup organic, non-gmo cornstarch
½ cup cold water
½ tsp sea salt, or to taste
¼ tsp pepper, or to taste

Strain your water from what your roast was cooking in and put it in a small sauce pan. Mix together the corn starch and cold water in a small bowl. Whisk the corn starch mixture & salt and pepper into the roast water and bring to a boil over medium heat (very important to get it to boil or it won’t thicken). Once it has boiled you can turn the temperature down to low and let simmer until you are ready to serve.

From all of us at Nature’s Pantry - we wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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