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Make Clean Eating Easy With These Simple Food Swaps

written by

Sarah Fischer

posted on

September 19, 2024

After I sent out the podcast with Dr. Casey and Calley Means, I've been so humbled by the messages about how it's changing people's lives.

(In case you missed it, the episode digs into why Americans are getting sicker and sicker each year. They uncover why we're so sick AND give the solution to fix it.  It's live changing.  Here's the link!)

Women are getting their husbands to listen to it and tell me "he finally gets what I've been saying for years!"

I've had doctors, nurses, and pharmacists reach out to me "ready to start making changes."

They can see how broken our healthcare system is and are starting to connect the dots.

While all of this gives me hope for healthy people, I've also heard from many they have no idea where to start.

One of my best friends, who's also a nurse, told me once she started down this rabbit hole she felt like the girl with her face in the toilet and I was the one holding her hair. 


If you feel like the girl in the toilet, I get it.

I grew up eating toaster strudels and hamburger helper, just like you.

I never put any thought into the food I was eating - I just made sure it was low fat.

Then the question "why is everyone so sick?" led us to where we are today.

I spent countless hours reading books, researching on the internet, and filtering through a mountain of overwhelming information.

I was finally able to put all the pieces together and wrap my brain around what you eat matters.

Now I've made it my life mission to educate others about this AND produce the healthiest food possible.

If you want to make changes but are struggling with where to start, grab my free checklist here:

10 Steps To Clean Eating

Start with one or two things and keep adding more until all the boxes are checked.

Your health will thank you!

I've been an advocate for real food for over a decade and I've never been more excited about where we're headed.

The energy uniting us is inspiring and I'm so honored to be here with you for it! 
Reach out anytime if you need help on your real food journey.

In health,

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