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6 Crunchy-Mom Approved Snacks To Replace Junk Food At The Concession Stands

written by

Sarah Fischer

posted on

May 29, 2024

One of my biggest pet peeves is how much candy and junk food our kids get these days.

We know how harmful artificial dyes, additives, and sugar are for our kids, yet it's everywhere - especially the concession stands. 

It's become so normal for my kids to get "a treat" after every game - even tho I know better.

I still want my kids to enjoy treats, but I don't want all the dyes and additives that go with it.

So I did some research online & at the grocery store and came up with a list of alternatives to what's at the concession stand.

I stocked up on these for the summer and we're bringing our own snacks for after the game.

My kids know I'm weird and they're used to it, but we also talked about why it's important we make better choices and they're on board with the plan!

If you're looking for some better options your kids will love, here's what I recommend:


If you can't find these locally, here's the links for you to order:

The only reason there's so many options to choose from is because moms like you are demanding better for our kids.

Keep up the good work!



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